Thursday, December 31, 2009

IIT JEE 2010 Revision Problem Set for 2 January 2010

Quick revision of problems 5 in each subject. Think of principles, Think of problem and think of solution


Tuesday, December 29, 2009

IIT JEE Chemistry Concepts Revision Materials

Best Wishes for Happy and Succesful 2010

December is coming to an end in three more days. Your basic study plan and revision are over. Now you are in the last leg of the race. You need to prepare for your board examination and JEE simulataneously.

Have the attitude that preparation for any examination is beneficial to the other examination. If you prepare for boards, it is useful in JEE. If you prepare for JEE it is useful for Boards. Don't see any conflict between the two. See the synergy between them. Your knowledge accumulated till now will be further deepened and strengthened and made more easy for recall with your preparation in this last leg of January 2010 till the JEE examination.

Always feel increase in your confidence. With each day you are becoming better and better.

As it is more easy to prepare full list of contents on knol I created the full list of revision points for each chapter of Chemistry (core points as well as detailed topic wise points) on knol platform.

Visit this link
IIT JEE Chemistry Concepts Revision Materials

The links bring you to this blog only. Go to that page, use right clicks to see the topics you want to see.

Plan to revise at least one chapter each day.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Problem Revision for 1st January 2010

Greetings Happy and Successful New Year

Quick Revision problem sets of 5 problems each. They are to keep your thinking fresh everyday. You must be able to recollect the principle and formula of any topic on any day from now. Decide to keep things fresh in your mind every day along with your special studies of various topics.


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

IIT JEE 2010 Final Quick Revision Problem - Question Sets

Concept Revision Post Links


IIT JEE Chemistry Concepts Revision Materials

Problem Revision Sets
Jan 1


Jan 2

Jan 3





Chemistry set 6
Physics set 6




Mathematics 8

Mathematics 9














Monday, December 7, 2009

JEE 2010 - December 2009

Crucial Month.
Complete all your basic reading of all lessons in Chemistry, Maths and Physics. Leave Jan to March completely for revision

Saturday, October 10, 2009

IIT JEE 2010 Final Revision Sets Chemistry

Hope the study schedules are progressing satisfactorily. It is time to increase attention to the schedule. Only two and half months are remaining for completing the entire textbook portion. From January onwards you have to take up preparing for board examinations also.

Every day, plan the task for the day and complete it. That gives you a great joy and good sleep. You start feeling more and more confident. Any time we complete a difficult task successfully, there is an abundance of energy in us.

I thought of posting 90 revision sets. For one or two months I could not proceed. Today I completed posting the 90 sets for Chemistry. Now I know, I can post for maths and physics as well before 31 Dec. providing you with the question sets to start from first January 2010.

The link for the 90th post is

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Final Revision Problems/Question Sets Chemistry

I posted so far 45 sets each of five questions to facilitate quick revision during Jan to March 2010.

The 45th set is

Once posting of all sets is complete, I can make them more useful for revision by incorporating some additional information in them.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

JEE 2010 on 10, April 2010

A news item came in all papers that JEE 2010 will be held on 10th April 2010.

But the IIT website is not open. This time applications can be submitted online also.

September 2009 Study Plan


September 2009

9. d and f -Block Elements

10. Co-ordination Compounds and Organometallics

11. Nuclear Chemistry


September 2009

27. Definite Integrals XII

28. Areas of Bounded Regions XII


September 2009

25. Calorimetry

26. Laws of Thermodynamics

27. Specific Heat of Capacities of Gases

28. Heat transfer

Friday, September 11, 2009

Monday, August 24, 2009

Final Revision Problems/Question Sets - IIT JEE

I started preparing final revision sets which can be used from First January 2010. I shall try to select 5 questions in each subject from past JEE examinations. My idea is that you can have a look at 15 questions every day in the morning and then decide which points you need to refer if required. If you are able to answer all the questions or at least feel confident that you know how to answer, you can feel happy and get on with the routine of the day. Attending the school, preparing for board examinations, preparing for various tests conducted by coaching institutes etc. Spend a small time every day to test yourself on your initiative and strengthen yourself. Then follow your teachers at school and your teachers at the coaching institutes. Learning is a cooperative effort and initiatives have to come from both the sides.

Revision set blogs




Friday, July 31, 2009

IIT JEE 2010 Study Plan - August 2009


August 2009

5. Electrochemistry

6. Chemical Kinetics


25. Maxima and Minima XII

26. Indefinite Integrals XII (Some portion)


20. Dispersion and spectra

23. Heat and Temperature
24. Kinetic theory of Gases

To get a rank in JEE you have to compete with others. But first compete with yourself. Everyday set a target and achieve it. Feel very happy when you achieve your day's target. That gives a great relief and you will feel very relaxed and all the stress related to the studies will go away. You will have a good sleep and you will be ready for the next day with renewed enthusiasm.

As you win the battle with daily plan on many days, you will be very confident to face others on the examination day. You confidence is the main determinant of your performance. Don't think of luck. Think of your ability that you developed with your effort for many days. Your ability and confidence is the first thing. God's blessings are the next. The combination gives victory. You take care of your ability and confidence. God always helps the better prepared.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

31st July Take A Day Off

It is a 31day month. You can take a day off and watch a movie.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Feedback - July 2009

One more person got in touch with me to inform me that he got a rank around 4000 in JEE 2009. I feel happy because the various blogs and orkut community that I developed and now maintain are playing some small part in the preparation of JEE aspirants. Their own college, their coaching class and their own efforts are the main components of JEE/AIEEE preparation.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

IIT JEE 2010 - July Study Plan

Chemistry - July 2009

Text Book: Modern’s abc of Chemistry for Class XII (CBSE) by Dr. S.P. Jauhar

3. Solutions

4. Chemical Thermodynamics

Mathematics - July 2009

23. Tangents, Normals and other applications of derivatives XII

24. Increasing and Decreasing Functions XII

The portion is light in this month. Use extra time to revise earlier chapters of Circle, Parabola, Hyperbola and Ellipse.

Physics - July 2009

13. Fluid mechanics

14. Some mechanical properties of matter

17. Light waves

All the best. Make best use of available time. You relax best when you feel you have done according to your plan for the day. Feel happy when you complete your plan every day.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

First Success Message

I received the first message from users of the blogs and related orkut community. The information was from a person who got AIEEE rank of 25,000.

I need to reiterate that the your chances of rank go up once you complete the entire text,understand every line of it, and then do each and every problem in it. Understanding improves memory and recollection. Solving problems gives you confidence. Confidence increases motivation and your efforts will increase and you will acquire more competence that leads to success.

I am happy to share with you that I am writing actively on google knol and presently my global rank is 9 on the platform.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

IIT JEE 2010 June Study Plan


June 2009

June 1 to 10 - Main Study (one hour per day)
Revision study: half an hour per day

11. Hydrogen
Detailed study plan

June 11 to 15 Main Study

16. Purification and Characterisation of Organic Compounds
Detailed Study Plan

June 16 to 30 - Main Study

17. Organic Compounds with Functional Groups Containing Halogens
Detailed Study Plan

Adjust some time and complete all the three chapters in one month.

All the best. Become knowledgeable. Show it whenever needed.


June 2009

16. Parabola

Detailed study plan

17. Ellipse

Detailed study plan

18. Hyperbola
Detailed study plan


June 2009

10. Rotational mechanics

Detailed study plan

11. Gravitation

Detailed study plan

12. Simple harmonic motion

Detailed study plan

Friday, May 29, 2009

IIT JEE 2010 Study Plan Second Attempt (Repeat) Students

As the JEE results have come some students may decide to attempt JEE for the second time.

What could be a plan for them?

I think they should take up studies from 1st June and take up a chapter per day and master it to the JEE level. They know their shortcoming or weakness now. They can overcome it now.

How? They should take all the old papers and try to solve the problems related to a chapter. Then they should identify problems which are similar to those problems in their text book exercises or IIT problem books like TMH. They can spend around 6 ot 7 hours on this acticity.

Three hours a day they can take up 3 to 4 chapters of three subjects or one subject as they feel comfortable and do concept review and formula review. They will do the concept review and formula review of the chapter they mainly attempting on that day.
This exercise can go for 4 months. 120 days. June, July, August and September. Then they can spend two months on a thorough study of concepts and formulas. From December 2009 on wards they should write as many mock tests as possible and identify their weak topics or chapters and strengthen them. They may buy new books of TMH JEE and solve all the new problems.

Why you could not answer last examination adequately? Ask yourself now. Give your answer if you want as a comment. That may help you to design a solution now for JEE 2010.

Friday, May 1, 2009

IIT JEE 2010 - Ask Doubts

If study according to plan and ask doubts immediately, as others may also be reading the chapter, they will be able to answer your doubts quickly.

Hence read according to a plan and try to get any doubts clarified as early as possible.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

IIT JEE 2010 1 May 2009

Start your XII portion study.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

IIT JEE 2010 XII Portion Study Plan - Begins Tomorrow

Please note that study plan for XII portion begins tomorrow. I do not have mention self study to you. You already know the importance of self study. Start the study from tomorrow. You need to be more committed this year.

You have to keep the daily target and complete it. My thinking is minimum four and half hours of basic study. Daily 10 hours is required including your class attendance. Your relaxation should come from the satisfaction of completing the daily target. Not from watching TV.

Spend every day at least half an hour to revise XI class portion. That keeps in touch with the material. Every fortnight spend around 5 hours in revising XI portion.

Start from tomorrow XII portion. Annual and monthly plan are already given in this blog. Chapterwise detailed are in the concerned subject blog.

Give your comments and suggestions. All the best.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

IIT JEE 2010 Study Plan for May 2009

You have to start study of XII class portion from 1 May 2009. The first in depth reading of the entire portion must be over by 31st December 2009. Then you can revise and do many test papers from 1st January 2010.

You have to read every line and do every question and problem in the text books that you have selected.

I selected Jauhar for Chemistry, R D Sharma for Mathematics and H C Verma for Physics. All these books have large number of examples and practice problems. You have to do each one of them by 31st December. I prepared a full annual plan for each subject and from those annual plans I am writing here the plan for May 2009. The link will take you a detailed chapter plan where I tried to give the section you have to study in a day and the questions/problems you have to answer. Give any commnets of your there or here about the plan and required adjustments to the plan.

EAch subject requires one hour of fresh chapter study and half an hour of revision of earlier chapter. Thus 3 subjects require 4 and half hours every day. In addition spend around half an hour everday for XI portion revision.


5. First Law of Thermodynamics and Chemical Energetics - Spend one and half hours on the chapter in the first 10 days and complete first 15 days portion in 10 days.

8. Equilibrium II – Ionic Equilibrium in Solutions

Slightly adjust the given plan and complete the basic study in 10 days. I shall post the adjusted plan in this blog myself

10. Principles and Processes of Extraction of Elements

The chapter main study can be done in six days. So you can do these three chapters in this month. Don't waste any planned time. Minimum one hour per main study and half an hour for revision of the earlier chapter by studying concepts and formulas or by doing problems and questions.

All the best. Become knowledgeable. Show it whenever needed.


11.Matrices XII (some portion)

12. Determinants XII (Some portion)

15 The Circle


7. Circular motion

8. Work and energy

9. Centre of mass, linear momentum, collision

Links will be given for the two chapers of Mathematics

IIT-JEE-2010 Chemistry Annual Study Plan 2009-10

Become knowledgeable. Show it whenever needed.

The text book suggested is now changed to Jauhar instead of NCERT as NCERT books do not have depth and sufficient practice problems. Still candidates may use NCERT books for a quick reading. But one cannot be confident with that brief reading

19 chapters seem to be essential reading in this period. As I keep on mentioning this plan is only a guide. You have to customize it to your circumstances based on your college teachers' teaching schedules

Modern’s abc of Chemistry for Class XI CBSE by Dr. S.P. Jauhar

May 2009

5. First Law of Thermodynamics and Chemical Energetics - Spend one and half hours on the chapter in the first 10 days and complete first 15 days portion in 10 days.

8. Equilibrium II – Ionic Equilibrium in Solutions

Slightly adjust the given plan and complete the basic study in 10 days. I shall post the adjusted plan in this blog myself

10. Principles and Processes of Extraction of Elements

The chapter main study can be done in six days. So you can do these three chapters in this month. Don't waste any planned time. Minimum one hour per main study and half an hour for revision of the earlier chapter by studying concepts and formulas or by doing problems and questions.

All the best. Become knowledgeable. Show it whenever needed.

June 2009

June 1 to 10 - Main Study (one hour per day)
Revision study: half an hour per day

11. Hydrogen
Detailed study plan

June 11 to 15 Main Study

16. Purification and Characterisation of Organic Compounds
Detailed Study Plan

June 16 to 30 - Main Study

17. Organic Compounds with Functional Groups Containing Halogens
Detailed Study Plan

July 2009

Text Book: Modern’s abc of Chemistry for Class XII (CBSE) by Dr. S.P. Jauhar

3. Solutions

4. Chemical Thermodynamics

August 2009

5. Electrochemistry

6. Chemical Kinetics

September 2009

9. d and f -Block Elements

10. Co-ordination Compounds and Organometallics

11. Nuclear Chemistry

October 2009

A Preview of Organic Chemistry

12. Stereochemistry

13. Organic Compounds with functional Groups Containing Oxygen - I (Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers)

November 2009

14. Organic Compounds with functional Groups Containing Oxygen – II (Aldehydes, Ketones, Carboxylic Acids and their Derivatives)

15. Organic Compounds with functional Groups Containing Nitrogen (Nitro, Amino, Cyano and Diazo Compounds)

December 2009

16. Polymers

17. Biomolecules

IIT JEE 2010 Chemistry Study Plan - Chapters Studied During 2008-2009

Chapters to be completed from IIT JEE Syllabus during XI class (2008-09)

Chemistry Class XI Chapters (Maharashtra syllabus)

1. Some basic concepts of chemistry
2. States of matter
3. Atomic structure
4. Periodic table
5. Redox reactions
6. Chemical equilibrium
7. Adsorption
8. Nature of chemical bond
9. S-block elements
10. P-block elements
11. Principles and methods of purification of substances
12. Chemistry of carbon compounds
13. Alkanes
14. Alkenes
15. Alkynes
16. Aromatic compounds

Chapters to be completed from IIT JEE Syllabus during XI class (2008-09)

Gaseous, liquid and solid states
Atomic structure
Bonding and molecular structure
Chemical equilibrium
Surface chemistry
Non metals
Compounds of metals
Compounds of non metals
Organic chemistry – Nomenclature and isomerism

Sunday, April 19, 2009

IIT JEE 2010 - Mathematics - Study Plan for 2009-10

Text Book Used as Base: Objective Mathematics for IIT JEE by R.D. Sharma, Dhanpatrai Publications

Study Plan

May 2009
11.Matrices XII (some portion)

12. Determinants XII (Some portion)

15 The Circle

June 2009

16. Parabola

17. Ellipse

18. Hyperbola

July 2009

23. Tangents, Normals and other applications of derivatives XII

24. Increasing and Decreasing Functions XII

August 2009

25. Maxima and Minima XII

26. Indefinite Integrals XII (Some portion)

September 2009

27. Definite Integrals XII

28. Areas of Bounded Regions XII

October 2009

29. Differential Equations XII

30. Vectors XII (Some portion)

November 2009

31. Three Dimensional Geometry XII

32. Probability XII

December 2009

35 Trigonometrical Equations

38 Heights and distances XII

10. Exponential and logarithmic series

For having a look at chapters planned for study in 2008-09 visit

IIT JEE 2010 - Mathematics - Chapters Studied in 2008-09

Chapters from JEE syllabus to be completed in Class XI (2008-09)

1. Complex numbers

2. Theory of equations

3. Progressions

4. Logarithms

5. Permutations and combinations

6. Binomial theorem

7. Matrices (some portion)

8. Determinants (some portion)

9. Inequalities

10. Elementary trigonometry

11. Solution of triangles and other applications of trigonometry

12. Inverse trigonometric functions

13. Straight line

14. Vectors (some portion)

15. Functions

16. Limits and continuity

17. Differentiation

18. Integration (some portion)

For original plan visit

Saturday, April 18, 2009

IIT JEE 2010 - Physics - Annual Study Plan - 2009-10

HC Verma Chapters
Links where present will take you to the detailed study plan for the lesson. I shall prepare study plans for all the lessons and link them here.

May 2009

7. Circular motion

8. Work and energy

9. Centre of mass, linear momentum, collision

June 2009

10. Rotational mechanics

11. Gravitation

12. Simple harmonic motion

July 2009

13. Fluid mechanics

14. Some mechanical properties of matter

17. Light waves

August 2009

20. Dispersion and spectra

23. Heat and Temperature
24. Kinetic theory of Gases

September 2009

25. Calorimetry

26. Laws of Thermodynamics

27. Specific Heat of Capacities of Gases

28. Heat transfer

October 2009

30. Gauss's Law

31. Capacitors

33. Thermal and Chemical Effects of Electric Current

38. Electro Magnetic Induction

November 09

39. Alternating current

40. Electromagnetic Waves

41. Electric Current through Gases

December 09

42. Photoelectric Effect and Wave- particle Duality

43. Bohr's Model and Physics of Atom

44. X-Rays

46. Nucleus

For portion covered in 2008-09 see

For the study plans of all the chapters in sequence

IIT JEE 2010 - Physics - Portion Planned in 08-09

Chapters to be covered during XI class (2008-09) from H C Verma
1. Introduction to physics
2. Physics and mathematics
3. Rest and motion
4. The Forces
5. Newton’s laws of motion
6. Friction
15. Wave motion
16. Sound waves
18. Geometrical optics
19. Optical instruments
29. Electric field and potential
32. Electric current in conductors
34. Magnetic field
35. Magnetic effect of electric current
36. Permanent magnets
37. Electromagnetic waves

The above chapters were planned based on two lines of thought.
One was the syllabus of XI class of Maharashtra board.
Second as I started the plan at the fag end of August, I could not assume that many chapters were covered by the candidates.

This year as I posted the plan for JEE 2011 now itself I can assume that studies will start from May 2010. So less number of chapters were planned by me during 09-10. That will put some pressure now in this year. Candidates who studied only these chapters or less than these chapters have to put in special efforts to complete the required number of chapters in this year. You can definitely put in special efforts if you are thorough with your XI portion by now. Any candidate who is confident of writing JEE today in the XI portion will have tremendous enthusiasm for studying XII portion and acquire the same mastery. Do not lose time. Apply yourself to the mastery of XI portion. That will give you the momentum for the XII portion.

Any comments welcome here or in the orkut community

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Annual Study Plans for IIT JEE 2011

I posted annual study plans for 2011 in the JEE 2011 blog

I shall prepare similar plan for the current year study of JEE 2010 batch and post it here.

Any comments and suggestions are welcome

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Study Plan for 2009-10

I suggest that aspirants should use April to complete their XI portion fully. What I mean fully, is that all chapter end problems of the text books of JEE standard should be completely solved. You should not keep anything for the next year. You may try to solve test papers only in 2009-10 of XI portion of JEE.

Then from 1 May 2009 you can take up 12th portion of JEE and complete it by 31st December 2009 fully. 8 months are there and if you plan to complete 3 chapters a month in each subject you can complete Chemistry, Mathematics, and Physics.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Problems-Questions-Chemistry,Maths,Physics, Feb 15


A single substitution of H atom in an alkane of molar mass 72 g mol‾ ¹ by chlorine produces only one product.

a. 2-methylbutane
b. 2,2-dimethylpropane
c. n-pentane
d. n-butane


Chapter: Solutions of Triangles

If in a triangle ABC, sin A, sin B, and sin C are in arithmetic progression, then

a. the altitudes are in A.P.
b. the altitudes in G.P
c. altitudes are in H.P.
d. the altitudes are equal


A fireman weighing 80 kg slides down a pole.If the resisting force of friction is a constant 720 N, his acceleration measured in m/sec² is:

a. 0.0
b. 1
c. 0.01
d. 0.11

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Questions-Problems - Chemistry - Physics- Mathematics - Feb 15

Chemistry – Chemical equilibrium

The pKa of acetylsaliclic acd (aspirin) is 3.5. the pH of of gastric juice in the human stomach is about 2 to 3 and the pH in the small intestine is about 8. Aspirin will be

a. unionized in the small intestine and in he stomach.
b. completely ionized in the small intestine and in the stomach.
d. ionized in the stomach and unionized in the small intestine.
d. ionized in the small intestine and almost unionized in the stomach

For answer visit


Physics Newton’s Laws

A body weighs 8 gm when placed in one pan and 18 gm when placed on the other pan of a false balance. If the beam is horizontal when both the pans are empty, the true weight of the body is

a. 12 gm
b 13 gm
c. 15 gm
d. 15.5

Friday, February 6, 2009

Desire, Determination and Tenacity

Desire the root of all action. Unless there is desire there can be no action.

But to yield results, desire must be translated into determination. A commitment to achieve the desired result must be explicit. In the endeavour there will enough testing moments. One gets tired, exhausted and bored. There has to be generous spirit which will rejuvenate you after every tiresome day. One has to be tenacious and tough. Whether the endeavour stretches or compresses you, you have to be ready to come back to normal state quickly and restart your action.

Come what may, you should not let go of your dreams. don't give up till the last minute of an opportunity.

Will to Change, by Devdutt Pattnaik, Corporate Dossier, Economic Times, 6 February, 2009, Page 3

Friday, January 30, 2009

February 2009 Study Plan - IIT JEE 2010

Concentrate on board examination revision. Plan to do board examinations exceptionally well. That will give you confidence to prepare well for JEE. Study well and plan to remember things for a long time. You are not studying just for a day of examination. You are studying to remember it for one more year. You have to keep on reminding yourself that point.

It will be good to spare half an hour every day to remember things studied any where from one year back till yesterday randomly. Such an exercise might improve the capability of brain to recollect things in the examination hall suddenly when you have to answer a question.

By April End you must complete study of full XI portion for JEE examination. You must have solved all the problems in H C Verma, R D Sharma and Chemistry Book. Any shortfalls, take up the subjects immediately after school examinations and finish all the problems by April end.

Take up study of XII class portion from May 2009. Wiil give you 8 months to complete the XII portion and related JEE portion. From January 2010 you should be in revision mode for board examination and JEE examination.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Revision for the Board Examinations - From last week of January

Today (24 Jan 2009) Mint paper carried an article titled Tricks from Tutors.
You may find it on

Some suggestions

If you are academically bright student, the next couple of weeks is the time for you to concentrate on concepts that you have not revised earlier. Don't waste time revisiting waht you alread know.

Weaker students have to revise what they know and perfect that.

If you have to appear for competitive examinations, devote 20% of time to prepare for these examinations until mid-February.

5 R's for success: Reorganize, Revise, Rest, Relax and Reassure

Reorganize: Collect and organize you study material for each retrieval.

Connect the course content to everyday ideas to have a greater recall. Try acronyms, mnemonics, rhymes that associate with the concepts.

I personally advocate somebody in the family asking some questions everyday. When you are not able to answer, revise the topic and natural association between that event and the topic will be there.

First understand and then memorize. If you memorize without understanding, examination anxiety may prevent you from recollecting it.

Practice writing answers and attempt some mock tests. It will tell you how much time you are taking to write answers.

Have a timetable for a day, but be flexible around it. Don't get stressed. You may stretch on a day or slightly relax on another day. Stay refreshed and start everyday with enthusiasm.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

IIT JEE 2010 Januar 2009 Study Plan

No new chapter. Revise the old chapters and prepare for board examinations. Study more detailed chemistry books. Dr. Jauhar etc.

Master some chapters in this month. Do JEE questions from old papers.

Integration (Some portion)


35. Magnetic effect of electric current
36. Permanent magnets
37. Electromagnetic waves

Jan 1 to 10
35. Magnetic effect of electric current

Jan 11 to 20
36. Permanent magnets

Jan 21 to 30
37. Electromagnetic waves