Wednesday, April 29, 2009

IIT JEE 2010 XII Portion Study Plan - Begins Tomorrow

Please note that study plan for XII portion begins tomorrow. I do not have mention self study to you. You already know the importance of self study. Start the study from tomorrow. You need to be more committed this year.

You have to keep the daily target and complete it. My thinking is minimum four and half hours of basic study. Daily 10 hours is required including your class attendance. Your relaxation should come from the satisfaction of completing the daily target. Not from watching TV.

Spend every day at least half an hour to revise XI class portion. That keeps in touch with the material. Every fortnight spend around 5 hours in revising XI portion.

Start from tomorrow XII portion. Annual and monthly plan are already given in this blog. Chapterwise detailed are in the concerned subject blog.

Give your comments and suggestions. All the best.

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