Monday, September 29, 2008

JEE 2010 Physics Study Plan 30 September 2008

30 September Physics Wave Motion and Waves on a String – Ch.15 Session 9

Based on Text: Concepts of Physics, H C Verma, Part I

Revise the lesson
Have a look at revision points and formulas in

Do exercise problems 11 to 18

Revise some problems in friction chapter.

Ask doubts if any in orkut community


IIT JEE Mathematics Study Plan 30th September

Study Plan for JEE 2010

30 September 2008 Mathematics Matrices Study session 9
Based on the Text: Objective Mathematics by R D Sharma
Chapter 11 Matrices

Do Practice exercises problems 19, 20,21,25,27,28,30,31,32,33

In the previous chapter Binomial theorem do problems

Practice exercise problems 1 to 5
Fill in the blank type exercises 1 to 5

Any doubt regarding the chapter raise it in the JEE academy orkut community.

IIT JEE 2010 Chemistry Study Plan 30 September

30 September 2008 New Chapter P-Block Elements Session 9
Based on NCERT BOOK, Class XI, Part II, Unit 11

Revise the chapter.
Have a look at revision points

Study guide to nonmetals

Revise Thermodynamics chapter. Have a look at revision points


IIT JEE Academy orkut community.

Steps in Learning Mathematics

I advise my child to follow the same procedure as given below. Of course the following paragraphs were not written by me. I shall give the reference below.

Step by Step learning:

Learn theory and formulae first.

Practice them in written.

You should start reading solved-examples only after learning the concepts and formulae. This is must for easy understanding of the solved-examples as in every questions you use multiple formulae. If you don’t remember formulae well, you will take more time to understand the solution.

After finishing examples, you need to solve level-1 (easy-to-average level) problems.

How to decide level?
If you are not able to solve, go through solution.

If you can understand the solution by just glancing it (as a hint), then it is level-1 (easy-to-difficult) problem.

If you have to go through complete solution step by step and then finally you can understand the solution, then it is a level-2 (average-to-difficult) problem.

If you find it hard to understand solution, it means it is level-3 (difficult-to-very difficult) problem. These levels are relative as every student has his own potential.

Once you have solved 30-40 level-1 problems and have thoroughly revised them to a level that you remember the ideas of most of them, you can then move to level-2 problems.

Practice at least 30-40 level-2 problems.

Don’t solve level-3 problems. They are not important and you can confidently leave them. Trying to solve them can be negative as they can break your confidence in the topic.

Revision and Re-Learning:

Generally when you are not able to solve problems, you see their solutions. But you do nothing after that. In 1-2 weeks time you forget the solution. I am sure if you face that question again, you would not be able to solve it. So what is the point spending time on the question at first stage.

I suggest after reading the solution, you try to solve it yourself with paper and pen. Don’t worry if you know the solution now as you have read the solution. Mind will retain only if you do it with your hands. Then, mark the level of the question for future revision.

After few week, try all questions again which are level -1 and Level-2. Do them like a test. Shortlist 50 such questions and take a 2-hours test. Even before exam, when you are confused what to revise, take out Level-1 and Level-2 (or just level-2) problems and revise them. If you don’t mark them, you cannot revise them.


I tell my child not to attempt homework till she completes study of the lesson first at house. Attempt solving problems only after studying the theory and formulae adequately.

I am writing in my study schedules to mark the problems as difficult (which are found to be difficult) and I am specifically mentioning in daily study plans to revise them once again.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

JEE 2010 Physics Study Plan 29 September 2008

29 September Physics Wave Motion and Waves on a String – Ch.15 Session 8

Based on Text: Concepts of Physics, H C Verma, Part I

Study 15.15 Polarization of waves

Study worked out examples 10

Do exercise problems 4 to 10

Revise some problems in friction chapter.

Ask doubts if any in orkut community


Mathematics Plan for Study 29 September

29 September 2008 Mathematics Matrices Study session 8
Based on the Text: Objective Mathematics by R D Sharma
Chapter 11 Matrices

Do Practice exercises problems 1,3,4,6,9,10,14,15,18

In the previous chapter Binomial theorem do problems

131-135 in objective exercises

Any doubt regarding the chapter raise it in the JEE academy orkut community.

IIT JEE 2010 Chemistry Study Task 29 september

29 September 2008 New Chapter P-Block Elements Session 8
Based on NCERT BOOK, Class XI, Part II, Unit 11

Do exercises 11.31 to 11.38
Revise the lesson

Revise Thermodynamics chapter. Have a relook at some difficult problems


IIT JEE Academy orkut community.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

JEE 2010 Physics Friction 28 September Study Plan

28 September Physics Wave Motion and Waves on a String – Ch.15 Session 7

Based on Text: Concepts of Physics, H C Verma, Part I

Study 15.13 and 15.14

15.13 Laws of Transverse Vibrations of a string: Sonometer
15.14 Transverse and Longitudinal waves

Study example 15.8

Study worked out examples 7,8,9

Do exercise problems 1,2,3

Revise some problems in friction chapter.

Ask doubts if any in orkut community


Mathematics - Study Plan- 28 September 2008

28 September 2008 Mathematics Matrices Study session 7
Based on the Text: Objective Mathematics by R D Sharma
Chapter 11 Matrices

Do objective type exercises 57,58,59,60,68,74,76,77,81,82,

In the previous chapter Binomial theorem do problems

121-130 in objective exercises

Any doubt regarding the chapter raise it in the JEE academy orkut community.

IIT JEE 2010 Chemistry Study Plan 28 September

28 September 2008 New Chapter P-Block Elements Session 7
Based on NCERT BOOK, Class XI, Part II, Unit 11

Do exercises 11.26 to 11.30
Revise the lesson

Revise Thermodynamics chapter. Have a relook at some difficult problems


IIT JEE Academy orkut community.

Friday, September 26, 2008

27 September Physics Day's Study for IIT JEE 2010

27 September Physics Wave Motion and Waves on a String – Ch.15 Session 6

Based on Text: Concepts of Physics, H C Verma, Part I

Study sections
15.11 and 15.12
15,11 Analytical treatment of vibration of a string fixed at both end.
15.12 Vibration of a string fixed at one end

y = 2A sin kx cos ωt .. (15.24)
L = n λ/2

υ0 = v/(2L) = (1/2L) √(F/u) ….. 15(26)

y = 2Asin (nπx/L) cos ωt …(15.27)

v = (n +(1/2))(v/2L) = [(n +(1/2))/2L] √(F/u) … 15.28

Study worked out examples 6 and 7

Revise some problems in friction chapter.

Ask doubts if any in orkut community


27 september Mathematics Session JEE 2010

27 September 2008 Mathematics Matrices Study session 6
Based on the Text: Objective Mathematics by R D Sharma

Study sections 11.10 to 11.11 (We will stop here in this chapter)
11.10 Determinants
11.11 Singular matrix

Do objective type exercises 21,22,23,32,33,35,38,39,42,44,46,

In the previous chapter Binomial theorem do problems

111-120 in objective exercises

Any doubt regarding the chapter raise it in the JEE academy orkut community.

IIT JEE 2010 Chemistry Day's Study 27 September

27 September 2008 New Chapter P-Block Elements Session 6
Based on NCERT BOOK, Class XI, Part II, Unit 11

Do exercises 11.16 to 11.25

Revise Thermodynamics chapter. Have a relook at some difficult problems


IIT JEE Academy orkut community.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

26 September Physics Wave Motion and Waves on a String Study plan

26 September Physics Wave Motion and Waves on a String – Ch.15 Session 5

Based on Text: Concepts of Physics, H C Verma, Part I

Study sections
15.9 and 15.10

Revise some problems in friction chapter.

Ask doubts if any in orkut community


JEE Mathematics Study plan 26 September

26 September 2008 Mathematics Matrices Study session 5
Based on the Text: Objective Mathematics by R D Sharma

Study sections 11.10 to 11.11 (We will stop here in this chapter)
11.10 Determinants
11.11 Singular matrix

Do objective type exercises 6,7,17,18,19,20

In the previous chapter Binomial theorem do problems

100-110 in objective exercises

Any doubt regarding the chapter raise it in the JEE academy orkut community.

IIT JEE 2010 Chemistry Study 26 September

26 September 2008 New Chapter P-Block Elements Session 5
Based on NCERT BOOK, Class XI, Part II, Unit 11

Do exercises 11.6 to 11.15

Revise Thermodynamics chapter. Have a relook at some difficult problems


IIT JEE Academy orkut community.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

IIT JEE 2010 Study Regularly with a Plan for Success

· Make a list of topics you have covered, arrange it in order of priority & follow this in order in your revision too.

· Make revision a part of your strategy for success

· Your revision should be completed well before your exams. Concentrate on the important topics, diagrams and formulae.

· Go through the summary and notes you have made while revising

· Practice Mathematics one hour every day to overcome the fear and anxiety.

· Practice old question papers. These give you a clear clue as to what examiners generally look for.

· Memorize essential facts and formulas. Study essential facts and formulas more intensely so that you can recollect them better.

· Writing an answer is the best way to revise. Write out likely questions and answer them

· Make up questions that you think could be on the exam day and try to answer them.

· Avoid looking for reasons not to do work

JEE 2010 Preparation Physics Daily Plan 25 September

25 September Physics Wave Motion and Waves on a String – Ch.15 Session 4

Based on Text: Concepts of Physics, H C Verma, Part I

Study sections
15.7 Interference of waves going the same direction

15.8 Reflection and transmission of waves

Read example 15.5

Study worked out examples 4 and 5

Revise difficult problems in friction chapter.
Mark problems which you felt difficult in the first instance. Then you have to revise those problems especially to make them easy.

Ask doubts if any in orkut community


25 September 2008 Mathematics Matrices Study session 4

25 September 2008 Mathematics Matrices Study session 4
Based on the Text: Objective Mathematics by R D Sharma

Study sections 11.8 to 11.9

Do objective type exercises 1 to 5
In the previous chapter Binomial theorem do problems

91-100 in objective exercises

Any doubt regarding the chapter raise it in the JEE academy orkut community.

IIT JEE 2010 Chemistry Study Plan 25 September

25 September 2008 New Chapter P-Block Elements Session 4
Based on NCERT BOOK, Class XI, Part II, Unit 11

Do exercises 11.1 to 11.5

Revise 2 problems from thermodynamics


IIT JEE Academy orkut community.

Wave Motion Formula Revision

JEE 2010 Study Plan Physics 24 September 2008

24 September Physics

Wave Motion and Waves on a String – Ch.15 Session 3

Based on Text: Concepts of Physics, H C Verma, Part I

Study sections
15.5 and 15.6

Do worked out examples 1,2,3

Revise friction chapter

Ask doubts if any in orkut community


24 September 2008 Mathematics Matrices Study session 3

24 September 2008 Mathematics Matrices Study session 3
Based on the Text: Objective Mathematics by R D Sharma

Study sections 11.7 to 11.8

In the previous chapter Binomial theorem do problems

81-90 in objective exercises

Any doubt regarding the chapter raise it in the JEE academy orkut community.

IIT JEE 2010 - Chemistry Study Plan - 24 September 2008

24 September 2008 New Chapter P-Block Elements Session 3
Based on NCERT BOOK, Class XI, Part II, Unit 11

section 11.8

Revise difficult problems of
Thermodynamics chapter

Ask doubts if any in orkut community


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

JEE 2010 Study Plan Physics 23 September 2008

23 September Physics

Wave Motion and Waves on a String – Ch.15 Session 2

Based on Text: Concepts of Physics, H C Verma, Part I

Study sections
15.3 and 15.4

Revise friction chapter

Ask doubts if any in orkut community


23 September 2008 Mathematics Matrices Study session 2

23 September 2008 Mathematics Matrices Study session 2
Based on the Text: Objective Mathematics by R D Sharma

Study sections 11.5 to 11.6

In the previous chapter Binomial theorem do problems

71-80 in objective exercises

Any doubt regarding the chapter raise it in the JEE academy orkut community.

IIT JEE 2010 - Chemistry Study Plan - 23 September 2008

23 September 2008 New Chapter P-Block Elements Session
Based on NCERT BOOK, Class XI, Part II, Unit 11

Syllabus in JEE

Isolation/preparation and properties of the following non-metals: Boron, silicon, nitrogen, phosphorus, oxygen, sulphur and halogens; Properties of allotropes of carbon (only diamond and graphite), phosphorus and sulphur.

The chapter in the book has material on

11.1 to 4 on Boron family and boron
11.5 to 7 on Carbon family and allotropes of carbon
11.8 Some important compounds of carbon and silicon

11.5 to 11.7

Revise difficult problems of
Thermodynamics chapter

For detailed revision points on introduction to the chapter visit


IIT JEE Academy orkut community.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

JEE 2010 Study Plan Physics 22 September 2008

22 September Physics

New chapter: Wave Motion and Waves on a String – Ch.15 Session 1

Based on Text: Concepts of Physics, H C Verma, Part I

Study sections
15.1 and 15.2

Do Problem 31 in Friction
Revise friction chapter

Ask doubts if any in orkut community


22 September 2008 Mathematics Matrices Study session 1

22 September 2008 Mathematics Matrices Study session 1
Based on the Text: Objective Mathematics by R D Sharma

Study sections 11.1 to 11.4

11.1 Matrix
11.2 types of matrices
11.3 Equality of matrices
11.4 Algebra of matrices

In the previous chapter Binomial theorem do problems

61-70 in objective exercises

Any doubt regarding the chapter raise it in the JEE academy orkut community.

IIT JEE 2010 - Chemistry Study Plan - 22 September 2008

22 September 2008 New Chapter P-Block Elements Session 1
Based on NCERT BOOK, Class XI, Part II, Unit 11

Syllabus in JEE

Isolation/preparation and properties of the following non-metals: Boron, silicon, nitrogen, phosphorus, oxygen, sulphur and halogens; Properties of allotropes of carbon (only diamond and graphite), phosphorus and sulphur.

The chapter in the book has material on

11.1 to 4 on Boron family and boron
11.4 to 7 on Carbon family and allotropes of carbon
11.8 Some important compounds of carbon and silicon

11.1 to 11.4

Study problems 11.1 ,11.2,11.3,11.4

Thermodynamics chapter

Past JEE questions with answers

1. The total energy of one mole of an ideal monatomic gas at 27°C is __________ calories. (JEE 1984)

Answer (3/2)RT = (1.5 mol)[1.987 cal/ (K mol.)](300 K) = 894.15 cal.

2. A system is said to be ___________ , if it can neither exchange matter nor energy with the surroundings. (JEE 1993)

Answer: isolated

3. The heat content of the products is more than that of the reactants in an _____________ reaction. (JEE 1993)

Answer: endothermic

4. When Fe (solid) is dissolved in acqueous hydrochloric acid in a closed vessel, the work done is _________________ . (JEE 1997)

Answer: zero

5. Enthalpy is an ____________ property. (JEE 1997)

Answer: extensive property.

It depends on mass of the substance


IIT JEE Academy orkut community.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Psychology Articles for Success - IIT JEE

Psychology Articles for Success given below were written by a person who got 39th rank in JEE and subsequently achieved many things in life.

He wrote a book on Psychology for Success in JEE. He is Mr. Anuj Khare.

Choosing A Training Supplier
Corporate Training
IT Training
Leadership Development Training
Life Coach Training
The 7 Clever Little Tips for Getting the Most From Any Training
The Art of Speaking: Winning the Mental Game of Presenting
The Art of Speaking: Winning the Mental Game of Presenting1
How to be Successful - Failure Vs Success
Steps to Success - Information Into Action
Success - Are You Ready To Pay The Price?
Emotions and Thoughts Affect Goals
Seven Reasons People Don't Set Goals and How to Overcome Each of Them
What is the real importance of coaching on goal - setting?

Becoming A Wise Leader
How To Be A More Successful Manager
Leadership Exposed: Things You Thought You Knew About Leadership
What Qualities Must a Leader Have in Managing a Business?
Seven Ways to Build Trust as a Leader
How to Become an Ideal Leader
The Psychology Of Leadership - Understanding the influence of inspirational leaders
Self Improvement & Success
Think Excellence
Mind Power Can Boost your Life

I Want to be a Leader
Expect Nothing But the Best for yourself
A Simple Success Lesson From a Genius
How to Invite Moments of Total Focus and Peak Performance
The Art of Thinking
How to Practice Focus and Perform Like a Champion

Being Persistent With Your Thoughts
Learn the Five Secrets to Creating Success in Your Life
Maximizing Employee Potential
Motivational Speech Examples
Self Motivation : Building The Techniques
What Are Your Motivations?

What are Great Employee Rewards?

Visit the page for reading his articles

Some ideas from his articles

Expect Nothing But the Best for yourself

In order to constructively and effectively shape the best for your life, you must first and foremost expect the best from yourself.

Being Persistent With Your Thoughts
It is equally important that the change when once made should be steadfastly maintained.

Success - Are You Ready To Pay The Price?
Flood your mind with vivid images of the exhilaration you'll experience, when that very first order for your new business arrives.

[Flood your mind with vivid images of the exhilaration you'll experience, when you see your number in the JEE Merit list. Keep flooding your mind with that feeling, everyday at least once. That will give you the energy to pursue the rigorous study required for excelling in JEE]

JEE 2010 Physics Friction 21 September Study Plan

21 September Physics Friction – Ch.6 Session 10

Based on Text: Concepts of Physics, H C Verma, Part I

Do exercise problems 26 to 30

Before doing problems do a quick revision of the chapter and formulas.

Friction chapter formula revision sheet

Friction Past JEE Problem

A force F is applied to a block of mass 2√3 kg as shown in the diagram. The coefficient of friction is 1/(2√3). What should be the maximum value of force so that the block does not move?

a. 10 N
b. 20 N
c. 30 N
d. 40 N


From earlier chapter Newton's Laws
Revise problems marked as difficult
If you have past JEE problems book go through problems related to the chapter.

Ask doubts if any in orkut community


Mathematics -Study Plan-21 September 2008 for IIT JEE 2010

21 September 2008 Mathematics Binomial theorem Study session 10
Based on the Text: Objective Mathematics by R D Sharma

Do objective type exercises

41 to 60

Do practice exercises (at the end of the chapter) 26 to 30

Past JEE question with solution

1. Let n be a positive integer. If the coefficients of 2nd, 3rd, and 4th terms in the expansion of (1 + x)n are in A.P. then the value of n is ________________ .
(JEE 1994)

Answer: 7


The question requires concepts from binomial theorem and concept from arithmetic progression.

Coefficients of 2nd, 3rd, and 4th terms in the expansion of (1 + x)n are
nC1, nC2, nC3

According to arithmetic progression properties, three terms can be taken as a-d, a, and a+d. Hence sum of first and third terms = 2*second term

=> 2(nC2) = nC1 + nC3

=> 2 n(n-1)/2 = n + [n(n-1)(n-2)/6]

=> n-1 = 1 +[(n² – 3n+2)/6]

=> n² – 3n+2 = 6n-12
=> n² – 9n+14 = 0
=> (n-2)(n-7) = 0

Since 4th term will be there only when n>2, n is equal to 7.

JEE question for practice

1. If the binomial expansion of (a-b)n, n≥5, the sum of the 5th and 6th terms is zero. The a/b equals

a. (n-5)/6
b. (n-4)/5
c. 5/(n-4)
d. 6/(n-5)

(JEE 2001)


Answer true or false questions 11 to 19

Any doubt regarding the chapter raise it in the JEE academy orkut community.

IIT JEE Chemistry Study 21 September 2008

21 September Thermodynamics – Ch. 6 Session 10

Revise the chapter

Do some problems for R.K. Mukherjee book

1. The heat content of the products is more than that of the reactants in an _____________ reaction. (JEE 1993)

2. When Fe (solid) is dissolved in acqueous hydrochloric acid in a closed vessel, the work done is _________________ . (JEE 1997)

3. Enthalpy is an ____________ property. (JEE 1997)


IIT JEE Academy orkut community.

Friday, September 19, 2008

JEE 2010 Study Plan for Physics 20 September

20 September Physics Friction – Ch.6 Session 9

Based on Text: Concepts of Physics, H C Verma, Part I

Do exercise problems 21 to 25

Before doing problems do a quick revision of the chapter and formulas.

Friction chapter formula revision sheet

Friction Past JEE Problem

1. A block of mass 1 kg lies on a horizontal surface in a truck. The coefficient of static friction between the block and the surface is 0.6. If the acceleration of the truck is 5 m/s², the frictional force acting on the block is _________ .
(JEE 1984)

Answer: 5 N

Reason: The horizontal force acting on the cube due to the acceleration of the truck is

F = ma = 1 kg * (5 m/s²) = 5 N

As the block is not moving, a frictional force of 5 N is acting on it.
We can verify that the static friction can go up to a maximum value of 1 kg *(10 m/s²)*0.6 = 6 N if we take g as approximately equal to 10 m/s².

From earlier chapter
Revise problems marked as difficult
If you have past JEE problems book go through problems related to the chapter.

Ask doubts if any in orkut community


Mathematics -Study Plan-20 September 2008 for IIT JEE 2010

20 September 2008 Mathematics Binomial theorem Study session 9
Based on the Text: Objective Mathematics by R D Sharma

Do objective type exercises

21 to 40

Do practice exercises (at the end of the chapter) 21 to 25

Past IIT JEE questions

1. The coefficient of x4 in [(x/2)- (3/x²)]10 is

a. 405/256
b. 504/259
c. 450/263
d. none of these

(JEE 1983)

Answer (a)

(r+1) th term of the expansion is given by
10Cr (x/2) 10-r(-3/x²) r

= 10Cr (x) 10-r(1/ x²)r(1/2) 10-r(-3) r

= 10Cr(-3) r(1/2) 10-r(x) 10-3r

In this term (x) 10-3r is equal to x4
 10-3r = 4 or r = 2

So coefficient =
10Cr>(-3) r(1/2) 10-r

10C2>(-3) 2(1/2) 10-2

= [10*9/2]*9*(1/28)

= (45*9)/256
= 405/256

2. Let n be a positive integer. If the coefficient of 2nd, 3rd, and 4th terms in the expansion of (1 + x)n are in A.P. then the value of n is ________________ .
(JEE 1994)

From Permutations chapter

Do the True of false type questions 1 to 10

For all difficult questions put a mark D or diff against them. Revise difficult problems more number of times so that they become easy problems after some time for you.

Any doubt regarding the chapter raise it in the JEE academy orkut community.

IIT JEE 2010 Chemistry Study Plan 20 September

20 September Thermodynamics – Ch. 6 Session 9

All exercises in the chapter were completed yesterday.

Do a complete revision of the chapter for the day.

Do some revision of earlier chapter, states of matter. If you bought R.K. Mukherjee chemistry problems books, do problems from that on book in the chapter States of matter.

Past JEE Questions - thermodynamics

1. The total energy of one mole of an ideal monatomic gas at 27°C is __________ calories. (JEE 1984)

Answer (3/2)RT = (1.5 mol)[1.987 cal/ (K mol.)](300 K) = 894.15 cal.

2. A system is said to be ___________ , if it can neither exchange matter nor energy with the surroundings. (JEE 1993)

Past JEE Questions – States of Matter

1. The value of PV for 5.6 litres of an ideal gas is _________________ RT at STP.
(JEE 1987)

2. Eight grams of oxygen and hydrogen at 27°C will have the total kinetic energy in the ratio of __________________.
(JEE 1989)


IIT JEE Academy orkut community.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Physics academy in Chandigarh IIT JEE

17 sep 2008

CHANDIGARH: Avadhesh Pratap Singh, popularly known in the tricity and the region as A.P. Sir, launched his own Physics academy in Chandigarh to realize his dream of making the nation self reliant in terms of technology and to keep India abreast in the global technological revolution by nurturing young talent to brace themselves for various competitions like the IIT JEE.

within few days, the number of students who joined the institute swelled to more than 900, a record by all measures!

A.P.Singh, an alumnus of IIT Kanpur, said that he had come to the city three years ago to realize his dream of nurturing the young talent to compete in various competitions of the level of IIT-JEE and propel the country ahead in all fields.

JEE 2010 Physics Friction 19 September Study Plan

19 September Physics Friction – Ch.6 Session 8

Based on Text: Concepts of Physics, H C Verma, Part I

Do exercise problems 16 to 20

Before doing problems do a quick revision of the chapter and formulas.

Friction chapter formula revision sheet

Friction Past JEE Problem

1. A block of mass 1 kg lies on a horizontal surface in a truck. The coefficient of static friction between the block and the surface is 0.6. If the acceleration of the truck is 5 m/s², the frictional force acting on the block is _________ .
(JEE 1984)

From earlier chapter
Revise problems marked as difficult
If you have past JEE problems book go through problems related to the chapter.

Ask doubts if any in orkut community


Binomial theorem Study session 8 - 19 Septemeber 2008

19 September 2008 Mathematics Binomial theorem Study session 8
Based on the Text: Objective Mathematics by R D Sharma

Do objective type exercises

1 to 20

Do practice exercises (at the end of the chapter) 16 to 20

Q. 19 is a past IIT question.

One more past IIT question

1. The coefficient of x4 in [(x/2)- (3/x²)]10 is

a. 405/256
b. 504/259
c. 450/263
d. none of these

(JEE 1983)

From Permutations chapter

Do the Fill in the blanks type exercise questions 26 to 33

For all difficult questions put a mark D or diff against them. Revise difficult problems more number of times so that they become easy problems after some time for you.

Any doubt regarding the chapter raise it in the JEE academy orkut community.

IIT JEE 2010 Daily Study Plan Chemistry 19 September 2008

19 September Thermodynamics – Ch. 6 Session 8

Today attempt

Exercise problems 6.20 to 6.22

Before solving problems revise the chapter quickly.

You can look at for revision points

Do some revision of earlier chapter. If you bought R.K. Mukherjee chemistry problems books, do problems from that on book in the chapter States of matter.

Past JEE Question

1. The total energy of one mole of an ideal monatomic gas at 27°C is __________ calories. (JEE 1984)


IIT JEE Academy orkut community.

Systematic Study for IIT JEE 2010

A regular planned study is important for any course. Especially a very important examination like JEE has to be attempted with systematic approach as you want to be one of the top 5000 students of the country at this time.

I advocate study of 3 chapters from each of the subjects every month. Thus you have to complete 9 chapters a month. 10 days for each chapter of each subject. Do some additional problems from the old chapter along with study of a new chapter in the next 10 days.

A daily plan for the theory to be studied and exercises to be done is being provided in this blog to act as a guideline. Use the guideline to plan your schedule according to your convenience.

Your comments and suggestions are welcome

2010 IIT JEE Physics Study Plan 18 September 2008

18 September Physics Friction – Ch.6 Session 7

Based on Text: Concepts of Physics, H C Verma, Part I

Do exercise problems 11 to 15

Before doing problems do a quick revision of the chapter and formulas.

Friction chapter formula revision sheet

From earlier chapter
Revise problems marked as difficult
If you have past JEE problems book go through problems related to the chapter.

JEE question 2007 paper I


A block of mass m starts moving on a rough horizontal surface with a velocity v. It stops due to friction between the block and the surface after moving through a certain distance. The surface is now tilted to an angle of 30 degrees with the horizontal and the same block is made to go up on the surface with the same initial velocity v. The decrease in the mechanical energy in the second situation is smaller than that in the first situation.



The coefficient of friction between the block and the surface decreases with the increase in the angle of inclination.

(A) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1
(B) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-1
(C) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is False
(D) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is True

Correct choice: (C)

Coefficient of friction doesn’t depend on the angle of inclination of the plane.

Ask doubts if any in orkut community


IIT JEE 2010 Study Plan Mathematics 18 September

18 September 2008 Mathematics Binomial theorem Study session 7
Based on the Text: Objective Mathematics by R D Sharma

Do illustrative objective type examples

41 to 52

In this, past IIT problems are
45, 52,

Do practice exercises (at the end of the chapter) 11 to 15

From Permutations chapter

Do the Fill in the blanks type exercise questions 21 to 25

For all difficult questions put a mark D or diff against them. Revise difficult problems more number of times so that they become easy problems after some time for you.

Any doubt regarding the chapter raise it in the JEE academy orkut community.

JEE 2010 Study plan 18 September Chemistry

18 September Thermodynamics – Ch. 6 Session 7

Today attempt

Exercise problems 6.15 to 6.19

Before solving problems revise the chapter quickly.

You can look at for revision points

Do some revision of earlier chapter. If you bought R.K. Mukherjee chemistry problems books, do problems from that on book in the chapter States of matter.


IIT JEE Academy orkut community.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

JEE 2010 Physics 17 September Study Plan

17 September Physics Friction – Ch.6 Session 6

Based on Text: Concepts of Physics, H C Verma, Part I

Do exercise problems 6 to 10

Before doing problems do a quick revision of the chapter and formulas.

From earlier chapter
Revise problems marked as difficult
If you have past JEE problems book go through problems related to the chapter.

Ask doubts if any in orkut community


IIT JEE 2010 17 September 2008 Mathematics Study Plan

17 September 2008 Mathematics Binomial theorem Study session 6
Based on the Text: Objective Mathematics by R D Sharma

Do illustrative objective type examples

21 to 40
Do practice exercises (at the end of the chapter) 6 to 10

From Permutations chapter

Do the Fill in the blanks type exercise questions 16 to 20

For all difficult questions put a mark D or diff against them. Revise difficult problems more number of times so that they become easy problems after some time for you.

Any doubt regarding the chapter raise it in the JEE academy orkut community.

Chemistry Day's Study Plan - 17 September 2008

17 September Thermodynamics – Ch. 6 Session 6

Study of entire chapter was over yesterday

Today attempt

Exercise problems 6.10 to 6.14

Before solving problems revise the chapter quickly.

You can look at for revision points

Do some revision of earlier chapter. If you bought R.K. Mukherjee chemistry problems books, do problems from that on book in the chapter States of matter.


IIT JEE Academy orkut community.

Monday, September 15, 2008

JEE 2010 Physics Study Plan 16 September - Friction

16 September Physics Friction – Ch.6 Session 5

Based on Text: Concepts of Physics, H C Verma, Part I

do exercises 1 to 5

From earlier chapter
Revise problems marked as difficult

Ask doubts if any in orkut community


IIT JEE 2010 16 September 2008 Mathematics Study Plan

16 September 2008 Mathematics Binomial theorem Study session 5
Based on the Text: Objective Mathematics by R D Sharma

All theory/explanation sections are over from this chapter

Do illustrative objective type examples

1 to 20

Do practice exercises (at the end of the chapter) 1 to 5

From Permutations chapter

Do the Fill in the blanks type exercise questions 16 to 20

For all difficult questions put a mark D or diff against them. Revise difficult problems more number of times so that they become easy problems after some time for you.

Any doubt regarding the chapter raise it in the JEE academy orkut community.

JEE 2010 Chemistry 16 September 2008 Study Plan

16 September Thermodynamics – Ch. 6 Session 5

6.6 Spontaneity

a. Is decrease in enthalpy a criterion for spontaneity
b. Entropy and spontaneity
c. Gibbs energy and spontaneity

6.7 Gibbs energy change and equilibrium

Example problem 6.9,,6.12,6.13

Exercise problems 6.6,6.9

Revise some points form earlier chapters (Every day do some revision of earlier chapters) You can visit

for revision points in various chapters. For many of the chapters section wise revision points are given in the blog.

You can subscribe to the feed of this blog


IIT JEE Academy orkut community.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

IIT JEE 2010 Daily Study Plan Physics 15 September 2008

15 September Physics Friction – Ch.6 Session 4

Based on Text: Concepts of Physics, H C Verma, Part I

Study sections was over yesterday

Go through worked out examples 9 and 10
Answer objective questions in Objective II

From earlier chapter
Revise problems marked as difficult

Ask doubts if any in orkut community


IIT JEE 2010 Daily Study Plan Mathematics 15 September 2008

15 September 2008 Mathematics Binomial theorem Study session 4
Based on the Text: Objective Mathematics by R D Sharma

10 sections are there in the chapter.

Go through
9.9 Binomial Theorem for any index
9.10 synopsis

From Permutations chapter

Do the Fill in the blanks type exercise questions 6 to 15

For all difficult questions put a mark D or diff against them. Revise difficult problems more number of times so that they become easy problems after some time for you.

Any doubt regarding the chapter raise it in the JEE academy orkut community.

IIT JEE 2010 Daily Study Plan Chemistry 15 September 2008

15 September Thermodynamics – Ch. 6 Session 4

6.5 Enthalpies of different types of reactions

a. Standard enthalpy of combustion
b. Enthalpy of atomization
c. Bond Enthalpy
i. Bond dissociation enthalpy
ii. Mean bond enthalpy

d. Enthalpy of solution
Lattice enthalpy

Example problem 6.8

Exercise problems 6.4, 6.5, 6.7,6.8,


IIT JEE Academy orkut community.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

IIT JEE 2010 Daily Study Plan - The Objective

The objective of giving the daily study plan is to provide assurance that we can complete studying the full syllabus and do all the problems given in the textbooks at a slow pace in six months.

Aspirants need not study a lot of new material every day. They can spend 3 hours in studying new material and rest of the time in revising old materials

IIT JEE Daily Study Plan Physics 14 September 2008

14 September Physics Friction – Ch.6 Session 3

Based on Text: Concepts of Physics, H C Verma, Part I

Study sections 6.5 and 6.6 oday
6.5 Understanding friction at atomic level
6.6 A laboratory method to measure friction coefficient

Go through example 6.4
Go through worked out examples 5 to 8

Answer objective questions in Objective I

From earlier chapter
Revise problems marked as difficult

Ask doubts if any in orkut community


IIT JEE Mathematics Study 14 September 2008

14 September 2008 Mathematics Binomial theorem Study session 3
Based on the Text: Objective Mathematics by R D Sharma

10 sections are there in the chapter.

Go through
9.6 Some problems on applications of Binomial theorem
9.7 Greatest term in the expansion of (x+a)n
9.8 S Properties of the binomial coefficients

From Permutations chapter

Do the Fill in the blanks type exercise questions 1 to 5

For all difficult questions put a mark D or diff against them. Revise difficult problems more number of times so that they become easy problems after some time for you.

Any doubt regarding the chapter raise it in the JEE academy orkut community.

IIT JEE Chemistry Study 14 September 2008

14 September Thermodynamics – Ch. 6 Session 3

6.3 Measurement of ΔU and ΔH: Calorimetry

a. ΔU measurements
b. ΔH measurements

6.4 Enthaply change, ΔrH of a Reaction – reaction enthalpy
a. Standard enthalpy of reactions
b. Enthalpy changes during phase transformations
c. Standard enthalpy of formation
d. Thermochemical equations
e. Hess’s Law of Constant heat Summation

Example problems 6.6 and 6.7

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Friday, September 12, 2008

IIT JEE Study 13 September Physics Friction

13 September Physics Friction – Ch.6 Session 2

Based on Text: Concepts of Physics, H C Verma, Part I

Study sections 6.3 and 6.4 today
Go through example 6.3
Go through worked out examples 1,2,3,4

From earlier chapter
Revise problems marked as difficult

Ask doubts if any in orkut community


visit for important points in the chapter

IIT JEE Study 13 September 2008 Mathematics Binomial theorem

13 September 2008 Mathematics Binomial theorem Study session 2
Based on the Text: Objective Mathematics by R D Sharma

10 sections are there in the chapter.

Go through
9.3 Multinomial theorem
9.4 Middle terms in a Binomial expansion
9.5 Some important results

From Permutations chapter

Do131 – 141 in Objective type exercises.

For all difficult questions put a mark D or diff against them. Revise difficult problems more number of times so that they become easy problems after some time for you.

Any doubt regarding the chapter raise it in the JEE academy orkut community.

IIT JEE Study 13 September Chemistry Thermodynamics

13 September Thermodynamics – Ch. 6 Session 2


section 6.2 Applications

6.2.1 work
Free expansion
Isothemal and free expansion of an ideal gas

6.2.2 enthalpy

a. A new useful state function
b. Extensive and intensive properties
c. Heat capacity
d. The relationship between Cp and Cv for an ideal gas

examples Problems 6.2,6.5(3)

Attempt exercises 6.1,6.2,6.3,

Do some revision of earlier lesson.

JOIN JEE academy orkut community.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

12 September Physics IIT JEE Study Friction

12 September Physics Friction – Ch.6 Session 1

Based on Text: Concepts of Physics, H C Verma, Part I

There are 6 sections in the chapter
Study sections 6.1 and 6.2 today
Go through example 6.1 and 6.2

From earlier chapter
Attempt Exercises 41 and 42 from Newton’s laws chapter

Ask doubts if any in orkut community


12 September 2008 Mathematics IIT JEE Study Binomial theorem

12 September 2008 Mathematics Binomial theorem Study session 1
Based on the Text: Objective Mathematics by R D Sharma

10 sections are there in the chapter.

Go through 9.1, 9.2 and 9.3 today

From Permutations chapter

Do121 – 130 in Objective type exercises.

For all difficult questions put a mark D or diff against them. Revise difficult problems more number of times so that they become easy problems after some time for you.

Any doubt regarding the chapter raise it in the JEE academy orkut community.

12 September IIT JEE Study Thermodynamics

12 September Thermodynamics – Ch. 6 Session 1

The lesson has seven sections

Study section 6.1 Thermodynamic terms today.
Study example problem 6.1

Do some revision of earlier lesson.

JOIN JEE academy orkut community.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

11 September Physics Newton’s Laws IIT JEE

11 September Physics Newton’s Laws – Ch.5 Session 10

Based on Text: Concepts of Physics, H C Verma, Part I

Attempt Exercises 36 to 40

You are expected to know the formulas thoroughly as well as all example problems. The process of working out problems should help you to remember the concepts and formulas. You should not try to solve problems without having a grip on the concept and formula.

You should not say later on that I don’t know the lesson. The fact that you have done the problem should mean that you understood the concept and also application.

Ask doubts if any in orkut community


11 September 2008 Mathematics Permutations Study session 10

IIT JEE 2010

11 September 2008 Mathematics Permutations Study session 10
Based on the Text: Objective Mathematics by R D Sharma

Chemistry session is also given to mathematics. Problems increased


Attempt objective type exercises 51 to 80

Attempt Practice exercises (given at the end of the chapter)
31 to 35

Any doubt regarding problems raise it in the JEE academy orkut community.

11 September Study Plan Chemistry IIT JE

11 September Chemistry States of Matter – Ch.5 Session 10

Today also spend more time on Mathematics and complete more problems there.

But do a revision of chemistry.

JOIN JEE academy orkut community.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

10 September Physics IIT JEE Study Plan

IIT JEE Study Plan Physics

10 September Physics Newton’s Laws – Ch.5 Session 9

Based on Text: Concepts of Physics, H C Verma, Part I

Attempt Exercises 29 to 35

You are expected to know the formulas thoroughly as well as all example problems. The process of working out problems should help you to remember the concepts and formulas. You should not try to solve problems without having a grip on the concept and formula.

You should not say later on that I don’t know the lesson. The fact that you have done the problem should mean that you understood the concept and also application.

Ask doubts if any in orkut community


Comments welcome

Mathematics -Study Plan-10 September 2008 for IIT JEE 2010

IIT JEE Study plan

10 September 2008 Mathematics Permutations Study session 9
Based on the Text: Objective Mathematics by R D Sharma

Chemistry session is also given to mathematics. Problems increased

Illustrative objective type questions 41 to 53

Attempt objective type exercises 51 to 80

Attempt Practice exercises (given at the end of the chapter)
56 to 60

Any doubt regarding problems raise it in the JEE academy orkut community.

10 September Chemistry IIT JEE Study Plan

IIT JEE Study Plan for 10 September 2008

10 September Chemistry States of Matter – Ch.5 Session 9

Today also spend more time on Mathematics and complete more problems there.

But do a revision of chemistry. You have to become thorough in this chapter as far as understanding is concerned and use the time at your disposal to revise some sections so that you can remember things better.

Always remember that you have to spend 10 hours for study including your attendance in college and classes. May be you are answering problem sheets given by the classes, writing records of the college, every thing adds up to your knowledge. Do them with enthusias. Utilise your time to study and restudy things so that you are confident about each chapter as early as possible.

JOIN JEE academy orkut community.

Give your comments

Monday, September 8, 2008

IIT JEE 2010 Physics Study Plan 9 September

9 September Physics Newton’s Laws – Ch.5 Session 8

Based on Text: Concepts of Physics, H C Verma, Part I

Attempt Exercises 24 to 28

Ask doubts if any in orkut community


IIT JEE 2010 Maths Study Plan 9 September

9 September 2008 Mathematics Permutations Study session 8
Based on the Text: Objective Mathematics by R D Sharma

Chemistry session is also given to mathematics. Problems increased

Illustrative objective type questions 21 to 40

Attempt objective type exercises 21 to 50

Attempt Practice exercises (given at the end of the chapter)
51 to 55

Any doubt regarding problems raise it in the JEE academy orkut community.

IIT JEE 2010 Chemistry Study Plan 9 September

9 September Chemistry States of Matter – Ch.5 Session 8

Today spend more time on Mathematics and complete more problems there

JOIN JEE academy orkut community.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

8 September Physics Newton’s Laws – Ch.5 Session 7

Based on Text: Concepts of Physics, H C Verma, Part I

Attempt Exercises 19 to 23

Ask doubts if any in orkut community


8 September 2008 Mathematics Permutations Study session 7

Based on the Text: Objective Mathematics by R D Sharma

Illustrative objective type questions 11 to 20

Attempt objective type exercises 11 to 20

Attempt Practice exercises (given at the end of the chapter)

Any doubt regarding problems raise it in the JEE academy orkut community.

8 September Chemistry States of Matter – Ch.5 Session 7

Based on NCERT Text Class XI part 1


17 and 18

Modern Approach to Chemical Calculations by R C Mukherjee is a good book for numerical problems and questions in Physical Chemistry.

You may spend more time on Mathematics, if you are saving time on Chemistry or spend time on chemistry by revising the material.

Any doubt regarding problems raise it in the JEE academy orkut community.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

7 September Physics Newton’s Laws – Ch.5 Session 6

Based on Text: Concepts of Physics, H C Verma, Part I

Attempt Exercises 14 to 18

Ask doubts if any in orkut community


7 September 2008 Mathematics Permutations Study session 6

Based on the Text: Objective Mathematics by R D Sharma

In five sessions, all the theory sections given in the book are scheduled for study.
Let me know how much time you have taken for completing the session. My thinking is to develop one hour sessions for each subject. Your feedback will help me to modify the sessions in the future for coming lessons.

From today for 5 more sessions you can take up worked out examples and unsolved problems.

Go through today in

Illustrative objective type questions 1 to 10

Attempt objective type exercises 1 to 10

Attempt Practice exercises (given at the end of the chapter)

1 to 4 and 6

For revision of theorems and properites of the chapter visit

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Join Orkut community IIT-JEE-Academy for interaction regarding various issues and doubts

7 September Chemistry States of Matter – Ch.5 Session 6

Based on NCERT Text Class XI part 1

All theory sections study is completed.
Revise the theory once

Attempt problems 5.5 to 5.10

Any doubt regarding problem raise it in the JEE academy orkut community.

Join Orkut community

Join Orkut community IIT-JEE-Academy for interaction regarding various issues and doubts

Friday, September 5, 2008

6 September Physics Newton’s Laws – Ch.5 Session 5

6 September Physics Newton’s Laws – Ch.5 Session 5

Based on Text: Concepts of Physics, H C Verma, Part I

Problems to be Done

Objective I and II complete

Exercises 11,12,13

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6 September 2008 Mathematics Permutations Study session 5

Based on the Text: Objective Mathematics by R D Sharma

8.12 Selection of one or more items
Sub topics

Selection from different items
Selection from identical items
Selection of items from a group containing both identical and different items.

4 examples

8.13 Division of Items into Groups
Division of items into groups of unequal size
Division of items into groups of equal size

5 examples

8.14 Division of Identical Objects into groups

3 results and 7 examples

8.15 Some important results

4 results

This will complete the theories and examples of the chapter. From tomorrow worked out examples could be taken up.

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Join Orkut community IIT-JEE-Academy for interaction regarding various issues and doubts

6 September Chemistry States of Matter – Ch.5 Session 5

Based on NCERT Text Class XI part 1

5.9 Liquifaction of Gases
5.10 Liquid state
5.10.1 Vapour pressure
5.10.2 Surface tension
5.10.3 Viscosity

Exercises 5.19,5.20, 5.22,

5.9 Liquifaction of Gases

There is continuity between the gaseous and liquid state. The term fluid is used for either liquid or a gas to recognize this continuity. A liquid can be viewed as a very dense gas. Liquid and gas can be distinguished only when the fluid is below its critical temperature and its pressure and volume lie under the dome (in isotherm) since in that situation liquid and gas are in equilibrium and a surface separating the two phases is visible.

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Join Orkut community IIT-JEE-Academy for interaction regarding various issues and doubts

Thursday, September 4, 2008

5 September Physics Newton’s Laws – Ch.5 Session 4

Based on Text: Concepts of Physics, H C Verma, Part I

5.5 Pseudo Forces
Ex: 5.5

5.6 The Horse and the Cart

5.7 Inertia

Worked out Examples: 10, 11

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5 September Chemistry States of Matter – Ch.5 Session 4

Based on NCERT Text Class XI part 1

States of Matter – Ch.5 Session 4

5.7 Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases
5.8 Behaviour of Real Gases

Exercises: 5.11, 12,13,15,16

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5 September 2008 Mathematics Permutations Study session 4

Based on the Text: Objective Mathematics by R D Sharma

8.9 Combinations
Theorem 1,
Remarks 3
Properties 7
Examples 6

8.10 Practical Problems on Combinations
24 examples

8.11 Mixed Problems on Combinations and Permutations

Examples 6

Total examples for the day 36

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4 Sep 2008 Physics Newton’s Laws of Motion –Session 3

5.4 Newton’s third law of motion
Working with the tension in a string

Example 5.3, 5.4

Worked out examples 6,7,8,9

Objective I: 11, 12

Objective II: 5,

Exercises: 4,5,6,7,8,9,10

Join Orkut community IIT-JEE-Academy for interaction regarding various issues and doubts

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

4 September 2008 Chemistry - States of Matter – Ch.5 Session 3


5.5 The Gas Laws
5.6 Ideal Gas Equation
5.6.1 Molar mass of a gaseous substance
5.6.2 Dalton’s law of partial pressures
Examples 5.1, 5.2, 5.3,5.4

Attempt exercise problems
5.1, 2, 3,4,5

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4 September 2008 Mathematics - Permutations study session 3

8.6 Permutations of Objects not all Distinct
Theorem 1, 11 examples

8.7 Permutations when Objects can Repeat
1 theorem, 6 examples

8.8 Circular Permutations

1 theorem, 10 examples

In R D sharma examples themselves are more in number. Hence when studying the lesson, attempt all the examples and understand them first. Then you can take up exercises after the full lesson is over. you have around 13 days to problems in each chapter. Plan around 10 problems in the first 3 days and 5 problems in later 10 days you can do around 80 problems. If there is time pressure you can skip some problmes in exercise, which you can do later during revision. Remember you have to put in 10 hours effort per day. Planning the 10 hours and using time efficiently is your responsibility.

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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

3 Sep 2008 Revise The Earlier Lessons

Ganeshaya Namah

I thought on this festival day new sessions need not be given.

We pray to Ganesh as God of Education. So all learners have to pray to God and do some learning. Do revise your earlier lessons and go ahead as per your desire in other lessons and activities.

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2 Sep 2008 Physics Newton’s Laws of Motion –Session 2

Sections 5.2 and 5.3

For details of examples and problems to be studied/attempted right click on and open in a new page

Join Orkut Community IIT JEE Academy for more interaction

Please give your comments on the procedure followed by me in developing this study plan.

Monday, September 1, 2008

2 Sep 2008 Mathematics Permutations Study Session 2

2 Sep 2008 Permutations study session 2

8.4 Permutations
4 theorems and 20 examples

8.5 Permutations under certain conditions
Three theorems and 20 examples

If chemistry requires less time adjust it in mathematics. Do all the 40 examples.

For revision points visit


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2 sep 08 Chemistry - States of Matter - Study Session 2

States of Matter – Ch.5 Session 2

5.3 Intermolecular forces vs Thermal interactions
5.4 The Gaseous state

The reading is little. But understand the concepts deeply by spending some time. Use the extra time in other subjects

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1 Sep 08 Chemistry States of Matter Session 1

States of Matter (Gaseous and Liquid States)

The main sections in the Chapter (5) of NCERT book are

5.1 Intermolecular forces
5.2 Thermal Energy
5.3 Intermolecular forces vs Thermal interactions
5.4 The Gaseous state
5.5 The Gas laws
5.6 Ideal gas equation
5.7 Kinetic molecular theory of gases
5.8 Behaviour of real gases
5.9 Liquifaction of gases

Liquid State
5.10 Liquid state

Session 1

5.1 Intermolecular forces
5.1.1 Dispersion forces or London forces
5.1.2 Dipole - Dipole forces
5.1.3 Dipole – Induced Dipole forces
5.1.4 Hydrogen bond

5.2 Thermal energy

I made a change in the lesson sequence as I thought following NCERT XI book chapters is more sensible. Hence I am indicating states of matter chapter.

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